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Cape of Good Hope, South Africa




At the Edge of Africa..

Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

Hello! My name is Naya Frazier and I am a twenty-one year old senior at the University of Maryland, College Park. In pursuing my degree in International Business, which I will complete in May 2016, I am taking a course in Global Business Strategy. This course has required me to complement my study of global business concepts with active efforts to develop my global mindset. This portfolio chronicles that development from my initial


On the About Me page, you will learn more about my personal, academic and global background. On the My Global Capital page, you may read about the specific strategies I selected to pursue to develop my global mindset, given my background. The Course Archive and Beyond the Classroom pages discuss, respectively, the curricular and extracurricular ways in which I executed the strategies to develop my capital. Finally, the Synthesis page outlines my key takeaways from this experience and how I plan to apply my newfound, robust global mindset to my future endeavors.


I invite you to peruse the pages of this site to learn more about who I am, what I’ve experienced this semester, and how I have grown as a globally aware and culturally competent student and future business leader.  

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